(626) 696-4030


100% of our students receive financial aid through grants and scholarships.

On average, Providence students are awarded over $28,000 in grants and scholarships each year.

$36,038 Tuition
$8,094 Shared Apartment
$3,500 Full Meal Plan

Providence is committed to creating a financial aid package to make college affordable for you. Learn more about our Costs and Payment Procedures.

The James Madison Speech Writing Competition scholarship is an exclusive opportunity for all Witherspoon Students.

Find out about our other numerous scholarship opportunities at providencecc.edu/financial-aid or talk to an Admissions Counselor today: (626) 696-4030.

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Complete the form below to learn more about The Witherspoon Honors Program.



The Witherspoon Honors Program is now accepting applications.

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Providence Christian College

464 East Walnut Street
Pasadena, California 91101

Office of Admissions

(626) 696-4030

The Mission

The mission of Providence Christian College as a Reformed Christian institution is to equip students to be firmly grounded in biblical truth, thoroughly educated in the liberal arts, and fully engaged in their church, their community, and the world for the glory of God and for service to humanity.


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